Everyone KNOWS that I am just SLIGHTLY obsessed with animals… dogs in particular.
Meet Cody and his bigger, younger “sister” Scrappy. Cody’s people wanted some photos of him before he had to loose one of his eyes (medical condition). Believe me, I know what you are thinking… something like, “Aw..poor little bud!”
However, I’ve seen this guy recently without his eye, and he is definitely more comfortable, still as handsome as ever, and can play soccer better than Pele’. (well…)
These photos are from September.. so, excuse the delay in this post! Enjoy these shots of Cody and Scrappy frolicking!
Cody, you are TOO cute.
Love these ones.
Scrappy’s tail was going so fast!!
This is what happens when dog breath fogs up your camera.
LOVE IT!!!! Love some sweet puppy faces 🙂