Meet little Teddy… oh yeah, and his proud parents Heath & Bri.
How much do you just love Teddy?! Ack!
Teddy is the first newborn baby that I have gotten in front of the camera that stayed awake the entire time! I loved it because it gave me more time to swoon over his big, beautiful, blue eyes. Since Brian and Heather both have these ridiculous blue eyes too ( nope- not jealous, just secretly hate them) I think Teddy will keep his baby blues.
Heather and Brian are good friends of mine. So, naturally, I put them to work. They were my lighting assistants and “baby molders”… I have to say, they did a great job; are you guys available for future shoots?
Guys- I can’t wait to see little Teddy grow up, and become ridiculously handsome and sweet; just like his parents. 🙂
p.s. Thanks for letting me put your baby in the Radio Flyer. LOVE IT.
I think Teddy is going to be a quarterback because of this shot… mark my words!
Big yawns! Little toes…
Me: “Heath, I know this is just a decoration… but, can we try and put Teddy in it?”
Heath: “Sure, Why not?”
Hehe… I just adore winter hats on babies
This is my favorite of Teddy & Brian. Seriously?! I am obsessed.
And Baby makes three… congrats to the happy family!!
So sweet and spectacular — wonderful work, Ange!