Family Photo Session Photos! Meet Emily, Lucy, Susan & Paul. As you can tell, this photo session was a lot of fun. Lucy & Emily are absolutely hysterical and once they got me laughing… I couldn’t stop… they are just like their Dad in that way! I didn’t even have a chance. Here are some […]

Took me long enough… don’t you think? I have been using my facebook fan page as my blog… but, this is so much better! Please follow the blog and send on to your friends, family… and magazine editors! ( haha – just kidding… kinda) Hope you enjoy my work and don’t get too bothered by […]

This is a bit of a re-post from my Facebook fan page… but, I loved the images so much, I had to do it. Caitlin & Billy got married on a absolutely GORGEOUS day this summer on the cape.  The decided to see each other before the ceremony (a first look), and get some formal […]