Remember when it rained for an entire week and a half? Well, we had this e-session during that week! I don’t know how we managed to get the sunlight… but, we did!
First, we went the spot of their first “official” date, The Red House in Harvard Square. Then, we went on to Sweet, for some cupcake shenanigans. ( don’t you just love cupcakes? and those photos?!) After that we headed over to HBS because that is where they attended when they first met.
Beth and Brian, I had so much fun with you guys; I think I got a MUCH needed ab workout with all of the laughing we did! You are such a great couple.
I hope you enjoy the photos… I know I love them! I cannot wait to capture your big day in October. – Andrea
I think this is my favorite shot. I love it. love it!
mmmmmmmmmmm cupcakes.
I feel like this took some guts!
The one good thing about it raining for a week? PUDDLES! I think these shots were definitely worth some wet feet. 🙂
Brian definitely was the trouble-maker here 🙂
And here! 🙂 hahahOne of my other favs… so cute.

the cupcakes! the grass! Ahh, I love it:)!!:)
these are fabulous! such a brave photographer and couple to tromp through the puddles… but definitely worth it!
LOVE that last set in the grass… so sweet! 🙂
Andrea – you are such a blast to work with and a wonderful artist. Looking forward to October!