This weekend was PERFECT for an engagement session; there were still vibrant colors on the trees, it was before daylight savings time, and we had the ideal place to go… Emma Willard school. Kim & Mike had an “in” at the school, so we were able to take full advantage of this picturesque place. I also got a throw-back to memory lane as I went there as a wee-one for summer camp.
Kim & Mike – I had so much fun with you guys! I cannot wait to shoot your smiling faces again at your January wedding!
The colors here are crazy awesome… along with Kim’s sparkling blues 🙂
One of my favs…
Can you believe those trees? GORG.
I can’t even handle how romantic these are. I just CAN’T.
We snuck inside for some photos near the killer windows. I think we all felt naughty.
Beautiful Ange! Congrats Kim and Mike!!
Ange, just when I think they can’t get better you come out with more. These are so beautiful – love the colors and the lighting!