When Jenn first approached me to tell me about her wedding, she said, ( paraphrasing here)
” Well, my wedding is going to be in Vermont…. the ceremony is going to be outside, by a fire pit… at the Equinox Resort… oh, and my dogs are going to be ring bearers… are you interested?”
I was salivating. She had me at Vermont. She had me at Vermont. ( You had me at hello anyone?)
Dan & Jenn’s outdoor wedding in Manchester Village, VT didn’t disappoint. The weather, the resort, and there couple were beautiful; we had a marvelous time together.
Jenn & Dan- Congrats! Thanks for being the type of people that will walk in the snow on your wedding day! – Cheers, Andrea
I couldn’t decide which detail shots to share… so, I made a collage!
That’s the Veil on top of that lamp!
I love little Ava helping out!
This is a great shot by Shawn.
Father & son looking dapper!
Seriously, Jenn takes my breath away here
Coach boots for the ceremony… Bling shoes for the reception!
Have you ever seen a more beautiful backdrop for a wedding?
Check out the adorable processional…
and super cute ring bearers!
I love her face here… trying to carefully go up the steps!
Great laugh
One of my favorites!
This wasn’t even one of her pups… she is the dog whisperer!
Beautiful Blues
LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE these at the 1811 house!
From boots to shoes!
Rings on a PIXIE STICK! What could be sweeter? 🙂
I turned around, and saw this cuteness…
Even the cake is winter-themed!
Happy 2nd Birthday Miss Ava!
Such a great end to a wonderful evening! Right where they were married.
Ceremony & Reception Location: Equinox Resort, Manchester Village, VT
Thanks Barbara & Paul! I loved working with your family. Hope all is well!
These are simply amazing! You really captured the moment.
I can’t wait to see the rest