Will Turns One! | Smash the Cake Session

Will turned 1! And, he smashed a cake… real good. 🙂 Check ’em out!



This is his Mom’s face. The Lizzy. 

I can’t even handle how much I love him. HA!
DAD TEST SHOT – Take one.
Hmmm… the blueberries are good…Ya got a little something on your chest 😉Now the fun begins… let’s give him a wooden spoon!I see drumming in your future. Sorry parents. AHHHHDOREWoops, I fell on my cake
Birthday shots… Birthday suit!HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU…..

This is what happens when shoots are in my backyard… MY DOG GETS SPOILED. 🙂
  1. Lizzy says:

    Wayyyy beyond my expectations, you are soooo amazing Ange. Thank you for capturing such fun memories for us! xo xo Lizzy

  2. bevan angier says:

    Andrea…you really caught his essence….amazing shots…..!!!